
Targets, Issues and Actions

We aim to realize the spiral of knowledge generated by diversity, regardless of differences in nationality, gender, age, etc., leading to the creation of innovation.
In Japan, we have been working on the following goals and action plans, which are collectively referred to as Diversity & Inclusion 2021, and cover the period up to fiscal 2030.

End of fiscal year 2023

Maximization of human capital value

A ratio of female employees and managers of 30% or more Transform to an organization that enables decision making and human talent development based on a wide range of values and leadership, and develop an environment in which the individuality and strength of each employee is reflected in management and daily operations Career development programs for female employees
Enhance career development and training by dispatching employees to various external training programs, e-learning, etc.
Training on unconscious bias for all employees

Percentage of female employees

Percentage of female managers

Achieving a 50% utilization rate for paternity and childcare leave of over 5 days among male employees Encourage all employees to understand the significance of equal participation of men and women in the family, and foster a workplace climate that encourages both male and female employees to take childcare and caregiving leave, etc. Foster a workplace climate that encourages to take childcare leave (training for management)
E-papa E-mama Passport (a system for early application for leave for life events)
Establish a community for employees on childcare
(Support for self-development during leave, follow-up for a smooth return to work)
A ratio of management in their 30s or younger of 20% or more Further increase diversity in management, and accelerate creating an environment in which new ideas are utilized in decision-making Enhance career development and training using e-learning, etc. 8.0%
Establish opportunities for seasoned employees to take on challenges Produce veteran employees who contribute to the revitalization of organizations and the realization of a spiral of knowledge Career training
Establish opportunities for seasoned employees to demonstrate their unique abilities and create an environment that allows them to continuously take on challenges regardless of age
Work style reform that accelerates the success of diverse individuals and involvement with society Realize the best work-life balance for each and every one of our diverse employees Promote mid-career hiring to acquire talents with diverse background
Expand options for employees to choose their working location, such as shared offices and workcation system
Consider expanding the discretionary labor system
Percentage of mid-career hires
Realizing a company where diverse talents coexist Contribute to the creation of a society with coexistence and mutualism through realizing a workplace where employees can feel motivated to work, by creating a working environment where employees can actively engage in the work, and thereby supporting them even if employees have illnesses or disabilities Consider further improvement of the environment to support employees with disabilities, such as increasing the number of a vocational life consultant for persons with disabilities
Introduce measures to maintain and improve employee health
Percentage of handicapped employees