
Sustainable water use

Policy and Basic Concept

As a global healthcare company, the Eisai Group has established the ENW (Eisai Network Companies) Environmental Policy and conducts business activities with an emphasis on global environmental protection. It is stated that we will “5. Contribute to the formation of a recycling-oriented society by promoting the sustainable use of resources, including water, along with waste reduction and recycling” and as such, we are promoting effective use of water resources and water quality conservation, which are indispensable for pharmaceutical research and production activities, on a global scale.

Targets and Actions

As a midterm goal, the Eisai Group has set a target to reduce water consumption by 7% (intensity per sales) from the FY2023 level by FY2030, and is encouraging the efficient use of water resources, including the recycling of wastewater from research facilities and rainwater harvesting. In addition to complying with environmental standards (environmental laws, ordinances, agreements with local governments, etc.) in each country related to wastewater, we have established even stricter voluntary standards and set mid-term goal of maintaining zero violations of laws and regulations through FY2030, thereby maintaining high quality wastewater treatment that contributes to preservation of water quality.

Structures and Systems

The Eisai Group has established an environmental management system to promote global activities and is working to strengthen activities to identify environmental risks and establish countermeasures in Japan and overseas.

Promotion Structure and Internal Audits of Environmental Management


With the aim of meeting our mid-term goal of reducing water consumption by 7% (intensity per sales) from the FY2023 level by FY2030, the Eisai Group is encouraging the efficient use of water resources. As a specific example, the Tsukuba Research Laboratory (Ibaraki Prefecture) uses large amounts of water for facility maintenance and management, including air conditioning. We are working to reduce water consumption by using intermediate treated water that is processed internally from wastewater during research and development within the facility, resulting in the recycling of approximately 70,000 ㎥ of intermediate treated water in FY2023.
Furthermore, we have set mid-term goal of maintaining zero violations of laws in compliance with wastewater related environmental standards of each country through FY2023, and maintain high-quality wastewater treatment to contribute to preservation of water quality.
As for investments, the Eisai Group set its IWP (Internal Water Pricing) for each country where major plants and research laboratories are located, which is incorporated into the investment decision criteria as an investment effect amount by converting the reduction in water use into monetary value.
Regarding water withdrawals in water-stressed regions, a survey of plants and research laboratories to determine their perceptions based on the medium-term outlook for business activities did not identify any areas that posed a high risk to business activities.

A Japanese garden using waste water cleaned
in the treatment facility at the Kawashima Plant


The Eisai Group promotes the efficient use of water resources, including water recycling, to reduce water consumption.
In FY2023, the amount of water withdrawal was 3,415 thousand ㎥, a decrease of approximately 14% from the previous year. This is mainly due to Kawashima Plant (Gifu Prefecture) constantly pumping up groundwater and discharging it to maintain the river at the request of the local government. The flow meter in the well for pumping up failed, resulting in conservative estimates in FY2022, but repairs have enabled actual measurements to be taken in FY2023.
The amount of wastewater discharged was 2,610 thousand ㎥, the same as the previous year. Kawashima Plant collects water in a pond in the Japanese garden on the premises and discharges it into the river. In FY2023, the amount of wastewater increased because of increased inflow of rainwater, etc. On the other hand, the Suzhou Plant (China) installed a wastewater meter in January 2024, which made it possible to measure actual wastewater levels, resulting in a significant decrease of wastewater. In total, the result was the same as the previous year.
Although business activities are expected to expand in the future, we have set a mid-term goal of reducing company-wide water consumption by 7% (per unit of sales) from the FY2023 level by FY2030 in order to use water resources more effectively.

Water Withdrawal Breakdown (Unit:1,000㎥)

*You can scroll to the left or right here

Water Withdrawal 3,478 3,525 3,220 3,982 3,415
Of which tap water 526 490 493 666 533
Of which surface water 142 135 142 120 121
Of which groundwater 2,798 2,889 2,573 3,183 2,746
Of which other 12 11 12 13 14

Water Discharge Breakdown (Unit:1,000㎥)

*You can scroll to the left or right here

Water Discharge 2,886 2,906 2,923 2,591 2,610
Of which rivers 2,338 2,356 2,369 1,969 2,092
Of which sewerage 548 550 554 622 518

CDP Water Security Report 2024

CDP is an international NGO that evaluates the “efforts of companies related to environmental risks” (climate change, water security, forests) and discloses the information at the request of institutional investors around the world. Since 2021, the Eisai Group has responded to the CDP Water Security Report. In the CDP Water Security Report 2024, we received a score of A (leadership level), the highest on an 8-rank scale from A, A-, etc., to D and D- for both climate change and water security.