
Corporate Concept

Corporate Concept

We give first thought to patients and the people in the daily living domain, and increase the benefits that healthcare provides to them as well as meet their diverse healthcare needs worldwide.

Corporate Objective

A human health care company capable of making a meaningful contribution under any health care system while observing the highest legal and ethical standards in business activities.

Charter of Business Conduct of Eisai Network Companies

Established: March 2000
Revised: June 2022

We give first thoughts to patients and the people in the daily living domain. We strive to increase the benefits that healthcare provides them and we conduct our business to meet their diverse healthcare needs worldwide. As a human health care (“hhc”) company, we develop and provide products and services that contribute to the well-being of patients and customers under any  healthcare system.

In order to realize our corporate philosophy, we develop business activities that contribute to sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues, as well as make  decisions and act appropriately and in a timely manner, in compliance with all relevant laws and ethical standards.

We hereby establish our Charter of Business Conduct as a statement of our commitment to compliance. Compliance is essential to the company’s existence and is given top priority in all corporate activities. Corporate executives recognize that it is their role to lead the employees by implementing the content and spirit of this Charter in all the work they do and in supervising those who work with them. By adhering to this Charter, they will inspire and encourage everyone to apply these standards in all their activities.

Everyone is expected to abide by the content and spirit of this Charter.

  • 1.
    We promote mutual respect and trust in our business relationships with our stakeholders including patients, customers, shareholders, investors, employees, healthcare providers, business partners and communities.
  • 2.
    We compete fairly, and do not tolerate bribery or any other form of corrupt business behavior.
  • 3.
    We appropriately manage information and ensure our records are accurate, complete, fair and secure.
  • 4.
    We appropriately disclose corporate information in a timely manner, and communicate with stakeholders transparently.
  • 5.
    We act in the workplace in accordance with the principles of fairness, respect, and non-discrimination with respect for diversity.
  • 6.
    We provide a work environment that takes health and safety into consideration.
  • 7.
    We comply with all relevant laws and regulations of each jurisdiction in which we do business and we conduct ourselves with the highest sense of ethics.
  • 8.
    We respect human rights and do not tolerate, within the scope of our business and in our supply chain, modern slavery such as child labor, forced labor and human trafficking.
  • 9.
    As a “good corporate citizen,” we contribute to the resolution of social issues and the development of society.
  • 10.
    We maintain fair and transparent relations with political and government entities.
  • 11.
    We shall not enter into, or to the extent we become aware we shall sever, relations with organized crime groups.
  • 12.
    We place global environmental protection as an important component of business operations and strive to maintain the environment.